Kemarin saya bercerita bahwa saya mengikuti sebuah pekan seni, dimana saya ikut menjual beberapa kerajinan tangan. Bukan buatan saya, tapi buatan @endah_rizky
Foto diatas adalah display product kami. Di satu stan ini ada beberapa olshop yang ikutan, kalian bisa mampir ke instagram @endah_rizky , @sunny_craft , @shopls :)
Produk yang kami tawarkan beragam, kita bahas satu persatu ya?
Sticker do'a
ini nih yang paling laris, selain harganya murah, gambar2nya lucu, juga sangat bermanfaat. Sticker doa ini bisa kamu pasang sebagai pengingat kamu biar rajin berdoa. Misalnya nih, di depan pintu : pasang sticker doa masuk dan keluar rumah. Di pintu kamar mandi, pasang doa masuk dan keluar wc. Di kamar kamu, bisa dipasang doa untuk orang tua :)
Yuk, kita ulik dari masing2 owner shopnya!
1. Rizuki Handmade
Facebook : Rizuki Handmade
Instagram : @endah_rizky
WhatsApp / BBM : 085725242896 / 7EC85FE3
- Pin CushionI already wrote about this cute pin cushion here. Cute pin cushion on a mushroom shape. ^_^
- Gantungan Kunci
Gantungan kunci bentuk bunga tulip ini juga bisa menjadi pilihan yang keceee.. Dengan warna-warni yang menarik, gantungan kunci ini juga bisa jadi hiasan untuk tas kamu loh! :D IDR 15k - Pouch Kacamata
bosen dengan wadah kacamata yang begitu aja? Kadang males kan karna gede dan menuhin tas kecil kita, mau bawa kacamata doang tapi pas mau disimpen langsung di tas sayang takut kegores, nah ,ini solusinyah buat kamuu . Buat tempat kacamata-kacamata gaya kamuh yang praktis dan simple dibawa kemana aja :) Only for IDR 35k ajah :) - Colourful Pouch
Ada lagi nih, pouch warna warni, cocok buat dibawa kemana-mana, biasanya sih saya suka bawa beginian pas travelling. Only for IDR 45k dan kamu udah bisa dapatkan ini. Ukurannya lumayan gede dan muat banyak.. banyaak! :D - Custom Pouch
Nah, selain yang ready stock diatas, bisa juga buat custom pouch. Seperti ini! This pouch is made for miss fibria. She loves the pouch and always have it with her everywhere she go. She is a traveller. oh, you can visit her blog in She has travel to malaysia, nepal, indochina. One day she sent us this lovely pics of her pouch. She use it to save her paspor. Always bring the pouch wherever she go. So, how to order one for you?
Just go and visit instagram @endah_rizky or other contacts i write on the upside. She'll make one for you. You can customize the drawing, right.
For example, fibria ask to make a pouch with this description:
Theme : Travel
Tagline : Sillytraveller
Description : I love to travel around the world so i want the drawing is about travelling. May be a globe, airplane, travelbag, camera, passport, and.. of course me and my silly traveller.
And, this is it, what we've done for her. Price? Call @endah_rizky. May be different for each, depends complexity. - Paper Clips
There is also paper clips. Endah customize it to make new cute look. Lucu-lucu kan buat clips tugas-tugas kuliah atau kerjaan..
2. Sunny Craft
Instagram : @sunny_craft
- Pop Art
- Siluet
- Pop Up Frame
3.Shop Ls
Instagram : @shopls
- Paper Bag
Paper bag ini dihargai IDR 10k for each. Asli handmade oleh seorang teman, check out her instagram! Temanya disini tentu saja, remaja masjid. Ilami banget kan, buat sendiri, gunting2, gambar2, tempel2 dan tulis2. Eh, mungkin dia juga bisa buatin custom buat kamu. hihi - Wooden Clip + mini paperbag
Yang satu ini adalah wooden clip. Woodenclip apa sih? Ya seperti yang bisa kamu liat di foto, semacam jepit jemuran yang dari kayu itu, tapi kecil-kecil. Ini biasanya dipakai untuk gantungan kertas2, biar ga terlihat berantakan, keliatan lebih rapi dan indah. Bisa juga buat gantungan foto-foto kamu di kamar. HHe, Untuk yang di foto ini harganya 15k. Isinya ada 8 wooden clips dan tali rami 1,5m, gratis paperbag cantik ini buat kamu :) - Hanging Frame
Nah, yang satu ini namanya hanging frame! Frame foto buat kamu, lucunya dihiasi dengan woodenclip lucu
A few days ago i went to a bazaar and sell some hand craft product. One of those is this Pin cushion in a cute mushroom shape. This is a original handmade from my friend. You can visit her instagram @endah_rizky
Craft. You just need a lot of creativity to make various product. And decorate it as attractive as possible to get people attention, but don't forget the function. This pin cushion is to place pin, brooch, or needle which usually used by hijabers. Just stick the pin in the mushrooms, or pull it when you wanna use it.
And also, it has a cute design, right? :D You can have this pin cushion only for IDR 15k :)
Wanna have some? Just contact @endah_rizky :)
Yes right,, what goes around comes back around |
Beyonce, a very talented singer. I adore her so much of her voice, her style, and her baby blue.
I don't know much about fashion, but i like her style. 'heboh' is what indoensian said. Her performance always awesome with wonderful voice and great dance.
Actually, i also love her body curve, so sexy, ahahaha
I used to play Beyonce's song everyday. Damn, she's so cool. Smart. Hardworker. Beautiful. Confident. Relfection of a true independent woman.
Beyonce define true diva as a graceful, and talented, and strong, and fearless and brave person
and someone with humility. And i think, she already is.
And this is some quote from her:
Power means happiness; power means hard work and sacrifice.
Whenever I'm confused about something, I ask God to reveal the answers to my questions, and he does.
I love this photo |
May be it's harder for a woman, but she was able to do so. Amazing beyonce. Who inspire me to be an independent woman.
I truly believe that women should be financially independent from their men. And let's face it, money gives men the power to run the show. It gives men the power to define value. They define what's sexy. And men define what's feminine. It's ridiculous.
Ini waktu ke Goa Pindul sama temen-temen deket pas kuliah dulu :)
waktu itu mereka habis ikutan Job Fair dan nginep di tempat saya di jogja, waktu itu saya baru bulan pertama kerja d Jogjacamp sebagai junior :) Keren, kita cave tubing di Goa Pindul, seru dan pastinya jebur2an dan basah2an :D
dari paling kiri -Saya, Tya, Ida, Viani- :)
Yang dibawah ini, waktu saya dan teman saya (Prisantya-Paling kanan) habis dari acara nikahan Mas Novan - Senior sekaligus asisten saya untuk matakuliah perancangan digital dan rangkaian listrik :) Beliau orang Fisika angkatan 2004 atau 2005 ya? saya lupa :) Menikah dengan Mbak Novi, Sarjana Sosiologi, aslinya Gresik, menikah 11 November 2012. :)
Setelah itu asya menemui kawan lama saya, Viani (yang berkacamata-baju kuning) dan Uzhie (yang paling imut). Kami dulu satu geng waktu kuliah, bahkan sampai sekarang kami mencoba memnyempatkan diri maen bareng :) Fotonya diambil d Solo Grand Mall waktu nongkrong d FoodCourt :) I Miss them already :*
Nah, dan yang terkakhir ini pas familiy gathering di kantor saya yang baru :) PT Jogjacamp dimana saya bekerja seraya belajar dan menimba ilmu sebagai Junior Web Programmer :) Bismillah, semoga berkah :)
Banyak pelajaran dari dunia kerja yang saya dapat, dan.. tentu saja teman baru dong :) Itu dari yang paling kiri namanya Handika, customer support - sarjana Informatika Ahmad Dahlan 2007, selanjutnya, sudah barang tentu adalah saya :) sebelah kanan saya itu Muhammad Abdul Wahid, teman kuliah saya seangkatan - beda kelas, rekan kerja saya di kantor -sesama juniro programmer (tapi dia ini mastah hloh, saya kalah jauh dibanding dia, terimakasih sudah berbaik hati mau mengajari saya ) -, Kanannya lagi itu Fuad Arbiansyah, satu team developer di kantor, posisinya Web Designer, hasil designya dia? gak diragukan lagi deh, top banget pokoknya! Dia juga teman sekelas saya sewaktu kuliah dulu di kelas Teknik Informatika A program diplomas 3 fakultas MIPA - Universitas Sebelas Maret. dan yang paling kanan itu ? Itu namanya Rafael, lucu ya? Atau biasa dipanggil El, nah, siapa dia? Dia itu anaknya yang motret kita-kita, namanya Mbak Gita, sustomer support :) Lucu banget si El, mbak gita itu juga cantik punya :) manis dan baik lagi :)
Itu kebetulan foto pas kita d kuil sam poo kong :) Pas ke semarang kemaren kita sempat jalan2 ke museum kereta Ambarawa, Lawang Sewu, Pandanaran, Kuil Sam Poo Kong dan yang terakhir, makan malam romantis di Kampung Laut #ehh... Tapi ya emang iya, restonya keren banget. Suasana, arsitektur, inerior nya juara deh,, :) Nuansa kampung laut nya ngena banget :) Enjoy Semarang :)
Happy 25th Birthday, Love.
Wish all the best for you
Hope your dreams come true.
Wish all the best for you
Hope your dreams come true.
This day is the my friend's birthday. Bayu.
Happy Birthday Bayu. Sorry i can't go there so i sent you the birthday cake. I hope you happy.
And you are. Thanks for the smile. Thanks for the photos with your teammates. Barakallah.
I hope you have a wonderful year. A lot of happines, lots of experience about life.
Be a better person every day. Be a successful son to your mom :)
Hello again there. This time i wanna share the story about my 'travel bag'. Haa, as you can see on the pic, it's a carrier. Kind of backpack that is usually used by the mountaineers. But, not me. I'm not a mountaineers but i love to wear this backpack. Or should i call this my travel bag. Hha. I love to travel, especially to the beach, island, snorkeling *although i can't swim. I am a feminist but i dont like suitcase. "Ribet" in indonesian languange. So i decide to look for a backpack, i just wear it and it always with me. No need to pull it. Heavy? Don't really matter to me, i just take it easy 'cz the backpack is comfortable when i wear it. And i love my shoes too (this is from +Adorable Projects Indonesia
This pic taken at Taman Anggrek Mall. At that day, i've just back from Harapan Island. Travelling with my friends. Enjoy the beautiful sea and sunset. *wrong costum* my friends really want to try ice skating. Backpacker in the mall? You should try and enjoy how people staring at you like a strange. For me, this is my second time. I ever did this too when i went to my friend's apartmen. I have to wait and i feel hungry so i go to the mall in the apartmen (Kasablanka) and got some dinner. People thought i climbed the mountain but it's not. I am from the beach. I love beach. I like mountain too, but i'm not kinda person who always say 'yes' if you ask me to climb. No, my body is not strong enaugh to do that. I want to, but my body can't :)
I wear the bag to travel, to go back my hometown and even if i'm in a long dress, i still wear it :D Love the Red! :D